Property 4: FLAVERS QRE

Requirement: Having received event e1, dispatcher never notifies artists of e2.

Pattern: Absence

Scope: After-Until (P is false after Q until R.)

QRE Template: ([- Q]*; Q; [- P,R]*; R)*; [-Q]*; (Q; [- P,R]*)?


   P = {disp_artist1_notify_client_event_e2}, 
   Q = {disp_dispatcher_notify_artists_e1}
   R = {disp_dispatcher_notify_artists_e2}


for events {{disp_artist1_notify_client_event_e2}, 

show all executions satisfy


Constraints used to verify this property:

Up to Property 4: Dispatcher notifies of what was received

Forward to Property 5: FLAVERS

Back to Property 3: FLAVERS