Modifed SEDL Code (a) for INCA, INCA-SPIN and INCA-SMV
Chiron Original Dispatcher (2 artists, 2 events)


The orignal SEDL code produced by the translator ada_to_sedl was modified as follows. When an artist unregisters for an event, we add a declaration (dead ...) telling the model builder that we think that slot of the event array is now dead. The model builder will set the slot to a fixed value (thus reducing the number of states), but will also check to make sure the slot is not read again before it is written (i.e., was really dead).

(type a_id_type (enumerated
(type e_kind (enumerated
(type list_size (range 0 2))
(type i_range (range 1 3))
(constant number_of_artists 2)
(constant number_of_events 2)

(task a1 (
    (entry start_artist)
    (entry notify_client_event
      (by-value event e_kind))
    (entry terminate_artist)
    (variable notify_event e_kind)
    (entry terminate_artist-end))
    (accept start_artist)
    (call dispatcher register_event
    (call dispatcher register_event
    (call artist_manager a1_registered)
        (when t
          (accept notify_client_event (
              (assign notify_event event))))
        (when t
          (accept terminate_artist (
              (call dispatcher unregister_event
              (call dispatcher unregister_event
              (accept terminate_artist-end)))

(task a2 (
    (entry start_artist)
    (entry notify_client_event
      (by-value event e_kind))
    (entry terminate_artist)
    (variable notify_event e_kind)
    (entry terminate_artist-end))
    (accept start_artist)
    (call dispatcher register_event
    (call artist_manager a2_registered)
        (when t
          (accept notify_client_event (
              (assign notify_event event))))
        (when t
          (accept terminate_artist (
              (call dispatcher unregister_event
              (accept terminate_artist-end)))

(task adt_wrapper (
    (entry start_wrapper))
    (accept start_wrapper)
      (call dispatcher notify_artists
        (choose e_kind))
      (call dispatcher notify_artists-end))))

(task artist_manager (
    (entry start_manager)
    (entry a1_registered)
    (entry a2_registered)
    (entry start_manager-end))
    (accept start_manager (
        (call a1 start_artist)
        (call a2 start_artist)
        (accept a1_registered)
        (accept a2_registered)
        (accept start_manager-end)))
      (choose (boolean))
    (call a1 terminate_artist)
    (call a1 terminate_artist-end)
    (call a2 terminate_artist)
    (call a2 terminate_artist-end)))

(task client_init ()
    (call artist_manager start_manager)
    (call artist_manager start_manager-end)
    (call adt_wrapper start_wrapper)))

(task dispatcher (
    (entry register_event
      (by-value a_id a_id_type)
      (by-value event_kind e_kind))
    (entry unregister_event
      (by-value a_id a_id_type)
      (by-value event_kind e_kind))
    (entry notify_artists
      (by-value event e_kind))
    (variable e1_lst
      (array (range  1 number_of_artists)  a_id_type))
    (variable e2_lst
      (array (range  1 number_of_artists)  a_id_type))
    (variable e1_sz list_size 0)
    (variable e2_sz list_size 0)
    (variable i i_range)
    (entry notify_artists-end))
        (when t
          (accept register_event (
              (case event_kind
                ("e1" (
                    (assign i 1)
                      (if (> i e1_sz)
                          (assign e1_sz (+ e1_sz 1))
                            (index e1_lst i) a_id)
                      (if (=
                          (index e1_lst i) a_id)
                      (assign i (+ i 1)))))
                ("e2" (
                    (assign i 1)
                      (if (> i e2_sz)
                          (assign e2_sz (+ e2_sz 1))
                            (index e2_lst i) a_id)
                      (if (=
                          (index e2_lst i) a_id)
                      (assign i (+ i 1)))))))))
        (when t
          (accept unregister_event (
              (case event_kind
                ("e1" (
                    (if (= e1_sz 0)
                        (assign i 1)
                          (<= i e1_sz)
                            (if (=
                                (index e1_lst i) a_id)
                                  (< i e1_sz)
                                      (index e1_lst i)
                                      (index e1_lst (+ i 1)))
                                    (assign i (+ i 1))))
                                (assign e1_sz (- e1_sz 1))))
                            (assign i (+ i 1))))
                        (dead (index e1_lst (+ e1_sz 1)))))))
                ("e2" (
                    (if (= e2_sz 0)
                        (assign i 1)
                          (<= i e2_sz)
                            (if (=
                                (index e2_lst i) a_id)
                                  (< i e2_sz)
                                      (index e2_lst i)
                                      (index e2_lst (+ i 1)))
                                    (assign i (+ i 1))))
                                (assign e2_sz (- e2_sz 1))))
                            (assign i (+ i 1))))
                        (dead (index e2_lst (+ e2_sz 1)))))))))))
        (when t
          (accept notify_artists (
              (case event
                ("e1" (
                    (for i 1 e1_sz (
                          (index e1_lst i)
                          ("art1" (
                              (call a1 notify_client_event
                          ("art2" (
                              (call a2 notify_client_event
                ("e2" (
                    (for i 1 e2_sz (
                          (index e2_lst i)
                          ("art1" (
                              (call a1 notify_client_event
                          ("art2" (
                              (call a2 notify_client_event
              (accept notify_artists-end))))
        (when t

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Back to Chiron Original Dispatcher (2 artists, 2 events)