Concurrent Elevator (1)
package Elevator is
-- the range of the floors in the building
NumberFloors : constant Integer := 5;
type FloorNumber is new Integer range 1..NumberFloors;
type FloorList is array (FloorNumber) of Boolean;
-- the direction of moving
type DirectionType is (Up, Down);
function GetActionId return Integer;
task Controller is
entry Approaching (F : in FloorNumber);
entry StoppedAt (F : in FloorNumber);
entry CarReady (F : in FloorNumber);
entry CarReadyEmpty (F : in FloorNumber);
entry NewDestination (F : in FloorNumber);
end Controller;
task Car is
entry Stop;
entry Continue;
entry DoorsOpen;
entry DoorsClose;
entry MoveUp;
entry MoveDown;
end Car;
end Elevator;
package body Elevator is
task body Controller is
CallsUp, CallsDown, Stops : FloorList;
PeoplePresent : Boolean := False;
DirectionUP : boolean;
Random : Integer;
Floor : FloorNumber;
Dummy : Boolean := False;
function GetCallFloor return FloorNumber;
function IsDestination (Floor : in FloorNumber) return Boolean;
function isInCallsUp (Floor : in FloorNumber) return Boolean;
function isInCallsDown (Floor : in FloorNumber) return Boolean;
function ThereAreRequestsAbove (Floor : in FloorNumber) return Boolean;
DirectionUP := true; --event[{directionup=t}]
-- obtain a random number that is supposed to model obtaining the
-- code for a particular real-time event
Random := GetActionId;
case Random is
when 1 =>
-- someone pushed the call Up button on one of the floors
Floor := GetCallFloor;
-- enter the floor in the list of calls Up
CallsUp(Floor) := True;
when 2 =>
-- someone pushed the call Up button on one of the floors
Floor := GetCallFloor;
-- enter the floor in the list of calls Up
CallsDown(Floor) := True;
when 3 =>
-- the car is approaching a certain floor
accept Approaching(F : in FloorNumber) do
Floor := F; --event[{reporting_approach}]
end Approaching;
-- stop there only if this floor was requested as a destination
-- by one of the people in the car or has a person waiting who
-- is going in the direction the car is currently going
if IsDestination(Floor) or
((DirectionUp) and then IsInCallsUp(Floor)) or
((not DirectionUp) and then IsInCallsDown(Floor)) then
Car.Stop; --event[{ordered_to_stop}]
-- also stop if the floor is the top or first floor
elsif ((DirectionUp) and then (Floor = FloorNumber'last)) or
((not DirectionUp) and then (Floor = FloorNumber'first)) then
Car.Stop; --event[{ordered_to_stop}]
end if;
when 4 =>
-- the car has stopped at a certain floor
accept StoppedAt(F : in FloorNumber) do
Floor := F; --event[{not_moving}]
end StoppedAt;
-- open the doors
Car.DoorsOpen; -- event[{open_doors}]
-- no more people should be waiting for this car on this floor
if DirectionUp then
CallsUp(Floor) := False;
CallsDown(Floor) := False;
end if;
-- set the direction to Up if the car is on the first floor and
-- to Down if it is on the top floor
if Floor = FloorNumber'First then
DirectionUp := true; --event[{directionup=t}]
end if;
if Floor = FloorNumber'Last then
DirectionUp := false; --event[{directionup=f}]
end if;
when 5 =>
-- the car is ready to move (people are not standing in the
-- doors)
accept CarReady(F : in FloorNumber) do
Floor := F;
end CarReady;
-- all people who wanted should have exited by now
Stops(Floor) := False;
-- close the doors
Car.DoorsClose; -- event[{close_doors}]
-- move the car in the same direction unless there are no
-- desired destinations in that direction
if (DirectionUp) then
null; --event[{directionupis=t}]
if ThereAreRequestsAbove(Floor) then
Car.MoveUp; --event[{ordered_to_move}]
null; --event[{ordered_to_move_up}]
DirectionUp := false; --event[{directionup=f}]
Car.MoveDown; --event[{ordered_to_move}]
null; --event[{ordered_to_move_down}]
end if;
null; --event[{directionupis=f}]
Car.MoveDown; --event[{ordered_to_move}]
null; --event[{ordered_to_move_down}]
end if;
when 6 =>
-- someone pushed a button while in the car
accept NewDestination(F : in FloorNumber) do
Floor := F;
end NewDestination;
Stops(Floor) := True;
when 7 =>
-- the car is open and empty
accept CarReadyEmpty(F : in FloorNumber) do
Floor := F;
end CarReadyEmpty;
-- clear all the stops now because there's nobody in the car
for I in FloorNumber loop
Stops(I) := False;
end loop;
-- this line is added only for the benefit of FLAVERS, in
-- general the controller does not have to be terminating
-- the exit from the loop may only occur here, when there are
-- no people in the car and the doors are open
exit when Dummy;
-- close the doors
Car.DoorsClose; --event[{close_doors}]
-- of course it's unfair, but start moving to the first floor
Car.MoveDown; --event[{ordered_to_move}]
null; --event[{ordered_to_move_down}]
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
end Controller;
task body Car is
CurrentFloor : FloorNumber := FloorNumber'First;
Random : Integer;
Dummy : Boolean := False;
WaitForResponse : Duration := 10.0;
WaitWithDoorsOpen : Duration := 100.0;
Random := GetActionId;
case Random is
when 1 =>
-- the car is approaching the CurrentFloor
-- wait for the response from the controller, if none then stop
-- to be on the safe side
accept Stop;
accept Continue;
delay WaitForResponse;
end select;
when 2 =>
-- receive the order to open the doors
accept DoorsOpen;
-- wait for a predefined amount of time and then either report
-- that the car is ready or that it is empty and ready
-- (make a non-deterministic choice)
delay WaitWithDoorsOpen;
if Dummy then
exit when Dummy;
end if;
when 3 =>
accept DoorsClose;
when 4 =>
accept MoveUp;
when 5 =>
accept MoveDown;
when others =>
-- report to the controller that a new destination button was
-- pushed from inside the car
end case;
end loop;
end Car;
end Elevator;