This page describes the gas station (non-queueing) properties in Computation Tree Logic (CTL). For other property specification formalisms, click on the name of the property.
AG ((( customer_1 = s5 ) -> !( customer_2 = s5 )) & (( customer_2 = s5 ) -> !( customer_1 = s5 )))
with variables prepay_1_pump_1 and cust_1_pump_2_change: AG ( cust_1_pump_2_change -> !prepay_1_pump_1 ) without additional variables: FAIRNESS (customer__1_task=s1) SPEC AG ( (customer__1_task=s4) -> A[!(customer__1_task_s1) U ((operator_task=s29) | (operator_task=s24) | (operator_task=s14) | (operator_task=s20))])
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